Revoked or Suspended Driver's License: What to Do and How to Regularize It

If your Driver's license revokeddo you know the impact this can have on your life? Losing your driving license can disrupt your routine, compromise your work and even limit your freedom. But what many people don't know is that there are clear ways to resolve this situation. CNH Cassada.

Did you know that suspension of CNH and revocation are different penalties, with specific rules? Understanding the differences and knowing exactly how to act can make all the difference to regularizing your license without extra complications.

Want to find out what to do, what the deadlines are, the costs involved and how to appeal the decision? Read on, because this practical guide has everything you need to know to get your license back and drive safely again.

Suspended driver's license: What to do?

A man's hand holds a revoked driver's license inside a car.
License revoked or suspended? Find out how to regularize it / Source: Canva

A suspension of CNH occurs when the driver exceeds the limit of 20 points on their license or commits specific infractions, such as drunk driving. In this case, the right to drive is temporarily withdrawn for a period that can vary from 6 months to 2 years, depending on the severity.

Steps to regularize a suspended driver's license

  1. Receive notificationWhen you accumulate points or commit serious infractions, you will be notified by Detran. The notification includes the reason and the suspension period.
  2. Hand over your driver's licenseAfter notification, hand in your license at Detran or Ciretran to start the suspension period.
  3. Take the refresher course: Sign up for a refresher course at a CFC (Driver Training Center). There are 30 hours of lessons on safe traffic.
  4. Wait for the deadlineThe suspension period begins after the CNH has been handed in and only ends when the deadline has been met.
  5. Take the recycling test: When you have completed the course, pass the final test to regain your right to drive.

Important: Continuing to drive during the suspension period can lead to your driver's license being revoked.

Differences between revoked and suspended licenses

Although both are serious penalties, suspension and cassation have clear differences:

Suspension of driver's licenseLicense revocation
Driving license is temporarily suspended.The driver's license is invalidated and it is necessary to redo the qualification process.
The term is 6 months to 2 years.The minimum rehabilitation period is 2 years.
Requires a refresher course.It requires starting the qualification process from the beginning.
There is no need to retake medical and theory exams.All tests must be repeated.

Driver's license revocation defense

A revocation of driver's license is a more severe penalty applied when the driver commits very serious offenses, such as driving with a suspended license or repeat offenses. In this situation, the driver's license loses its validity and the driver has to start the licensing process all over again.

How to appeal a License revoked:

  1. Receive notificationDetran will send a notification with the details of the infraction and the opening of the cassation process.
  2. File a preliminary defenseWithin the time limit given in the notification, send your prior defense to the competent body, explaining why the penalty should be reviewed. Use documents to support your case.
  3. Appeal at first instanceIf the prior defense is denied, you can appeal to the JARI (Administrative Board of Infraction Appeals).
  4. Appeal at 2nd instanceIf the appeal at JARI is rejected, it is possible to appeal to CETRAN (State Traffic Council).

Tip: Consult a specialist traffic lawyer to increase your chances of a successful appeal.

Costs to regularize your driver's license

The costs of recovering your license may vary, but include:

  • Refresher course: Average value between R$200 and R$400.
  • Detran feesThey include administrative fees, such as issuing a new CNH, and vary from state to state.
  • Medical and psychological examinationsRequired in cases of cassation, costing from R$100 to R$300 each.

What's more, if you decide to hire a lawyer, the cost will be an additional investment, but it can be essential for a License revoked.

Deadline to Regularize Situation

The deadline for regularizing the CNH depends on the penalty applied:

  • CNH SuspendedRegularization occurs after the suspension period has been served and the refresher course has been completed.
  • CNH CassadaThe minimum period is 2 years, followed by the full rehabilitation process.

Meeting deadlines is essential to avoid future complications, such as additional fines or being banned from driving.

How to avoid problems with your driver's license

  1. Track your points: Check your CNH score regularly on the Detran website.
  2. Avoid serious infractions: Respect traffic laws so as not to accumulate penalties.
  3. Take part in educational campaigns: Detran programs help drivers become aware of safe practices.

Regularize Your Driver's License and Drive Safely Again

Having License revoked or suspended can be a challenge, but it is possible to regularize your situation by following the right steps. Understand the differences between suspension of CNH and cassation, meet the deadlines and invest in the recovery process so that you can drive legally again.

If you need professional help, seek out a specialist in traffic law to ensure that everything is resolved in the best possible way. Prevention is always the best way to avoid these penalties!

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