Japan is a nation of contrasts, where ancient tradition coexists harmoniously with technological innovation. This balance creates an environment rich in peculiarities that fascinate visitors from all over the world. Below, we explore the 10 most bizarre Curiosities of Japan, including the curious practice of adult adoption.
1. Adult adoption
Japan's first curiosity is the adoption of adults, a common and socially accepted practice in the country. Family businesses, especially those that need an heir, often adopt adults, often loyal employees or sons-in-law, to ensure business continuity.
This tradition, known as "Mukoyoshi", is a practical solution to the lack of biological successors. As well as ensuring the prosperity of the company, it also preserves the family legacy and maintains cohesion within the organization.
2. Waiter robot
Japan is a world leader in robotics. Humanoid robots are used in many areas, from hotel receptionists to nursing home assistants. In some restaurants, robots serve customers, providing a futuristic and efficient experience.
In theme parks such as Fuji-Q Highland, there are robots designed to entertain visitors with live performances and interactions. One example is the "Pepper" robot, which is programmed to talk to visitors, take photos and even dance, providing a fun and interactive experience.
3. Machines that sell live lobsters
Japan is taking automated vending to another level. Vending machines sell a wide range of products, from drinks and snacks to more unusual items such as fresh eggs, underwear and even live lobsters. These machines are ubiquitous, offering convenience and variety 24 hours a day.
Another curiosity in Japan is that many of these machines are equipped with advanced technology, including facial recognition and artificial intelligence, allowing personalized suggestions based on the customer's profile.
4. CafƩs for Cats
In Japan, you can find themed cafƩs to suit all tastes. There are cat cafƩs, owl cafƩs, hedgehog cafƩs, robot cafƩs and even butler cafƩs. These establishments offer a unique experience, allowing customers to interact with exotic animals or enjoy personalized service in themed environments.
Cat cafƩs in Japan have strict rules to ensure the well-being of cats. Customers generally need to disinfect their hands before interacting with the cats, cannot wake sleeping cats and must follow specific guidelines on how to stroke and play with them.
Some cafƩs also limit the time customers can spend with the cats to avoid overloading them. Interaction with cats is seen as a form of therapy, helping to reduce anxiety and providing a sense of relaxation and well-being.
5. Toilets with heated seats
Toilets in Japan are famous for their advanced technology. They come equipped with automatic flaps, heated seats, integrated bidets, dryers and even privacy sounds to ensure a comfortable and hygienic experience. These toilets are an example of how innovation can transform everyday life.
In addition to the high-tech baths, there are also the traditional sento and onsen, which are public baths and hot springs, respectively. The sento are popular with locals, offering a communal space to relax and socialize, while the onsen, fed by natural hot springs, are famous for their healing and relaxing properties.